



Christmas recipes - 5.

Muffin with apple and cinnamon

Ingredients (to 12 pieces):

100 g butter
125 g sugar
250 g flour
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 apples
half a packet baking powder
2 eggs
50 ml milk
a pinch of salt
muffin papers

How to make it:

1. Skin the apples and cut them in small pieces. Put the muffin papers into the forms. Melt the butter and let it cool.
2. Mix the sugar, the flour, the baking powder, the cinnamon, the salt and the apples.
3. Mix the whipped eggs, the butter and the milk in another dish.
4. Then mingle all together.
5. Preheat the oven to 200 °C.
6. Put the mass into the forms.
7. Bake it for 35 minutes.

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Christmas recipes - 3.

Cheesy Stars


- 50 dkg flour
- 25 dkg margarine
- 2 dl sour cream
- 10 dkg grated cheese
- 2 eggs
- ½ package “szalakáli”
- a pinch of salt

On the top:

- 1 egg
- 10 dkg grated cheese

Knead the materials together. Then roll the batter out and spread an egg on it. Sprinkle it with cheese, then pierce it with a form. Pre-heat the oven to 180 °C. Put the stars into the oven pan. Bake them for 15 minutes at 180 °C.

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Christmas recipes - 2.

Danube wave


1 Rama
5 eggs
38 dkg flour
1 baking powder
1,5 spoons cocoa powder
1 kg sour cherry
0,5 kg icing sugar


2 spoons icing sugar
1 vanilla pudding
0,5 l milk
1 grated lemon peel
20 dkg butter

On the top: chocolate coating


1. Divide eggs to white and yolk. Mix the yolk with icing sugar and Rama. Beat up the egg white. Mix the flour and the baking powder. Mix all of these.

2. Divide the cake to two similar parts. Pour one of them in a baking dish. Mix the other part with cocoa powder and pour it onto the other cake in the baking dish. Then put sour cherry on the cake and bake it.


Cook the vanilla pudding. When it gets cold, mit [?] it with butter and lemon peel and put it on the baked cake.

Finally put chocolate coating on the cake.

Címkék: , ,

Christmas recipes - 4.

Jam Pudding


3 eggs

0.5 l milk

a spoon nut,

2 spoon jam (apricot jam),

2 spoon sugar,

a bag vanilla sugar,

2 grated apple,

3 slice rolls

At first, you have to mix the milk, the egg yolk, the sugar and the vanilla sugar. After it soak the roll in milk and grate the apples. Then bit up the egg whites. You have to put them on the top of the other ingredients in layer. At first soak the rolls, after the apple, the nut, the jam, finally the beaten white. You have to cook it for 30-40 minutes. First without beaten white for 20 minutes, after it put it on the beaten white and, it will be good if the top is brown.

Címkék: , ,

Christmas recipes - 1.

Last year, when I had been attended an english course, we had a Christmas party, and we had to prepare us with recipes, characteristic for that time of holidays. Because it's Christmas again, I share with you the recipes of my ex-"classmates". Here is the first one:



• 1 litre milk

• 250 gram bitter chocolate

• 1 orange

• 4 yolk

• cinnamon

• honey

Mix the milk and the yolks in a bowl, then pour it into a saucepan. Peel the orange zest (the skin of the orange) thinly and put it into the saucepan as well. Put it on fire and bring it to a boil. After that set the saucepan aside and let it stand for 10 minutes. Take out the orange zest, and strew the chocolate and a pinch of cinnamon into the pan. Heat and stir it continually until it becomes thick. Finally add honey to taste.

Címkék: , ,


A hullatetves fehér ló balladája

"Hej, regő rejtem."

Zalaisssan: "Héj, rágö-rájtém."

Ebben a darabban szerepelek december 20-ig a Griff bábszínházban és a bábszínházzal (mint zenész). Érdemes nagycsoportos óvodás korú, vagy kisiskolás korú gyermekét erre az előadásra elvinni (vegye fel a kapcsolatot a szervezővel - adatok a fenti szórólapon), mert a téli népszokásokat mutatja be a darab sok zenével és bábokkal. A városi tévében tegnap már volt erről egy tudósítás a híradóban ami itt látható, interlingua nyelvű felirattal:

Itt a szerkesztő elmondja, hogy akár még felnőtteknek is új információkat tartalmazhat a darab (hiszen modern világunkban vajmi keveset tudunk már a népszokásokról, főleg azok spirituális hátteréről, stb.)

Annyi változás van a szórólap adataihoz képest, hogy Frick Nóra helyett Szolnok Ágnes bábozik Tündérszép szerepében. De Frick Nóra is visszatér keddtől és akkortól kezdve Ágnessel egymást fogják váltani az előadásokon.

Címkék: ,


To be almost late at the first time

The day before yesterday was the first time that I was almost late for the puppet theatre. At the weekend I was almost ill. I felt a bit cold on Saturday - the day we travelled to Lendava in Slovenia to attend the traditional Csardas Ball - an annual meeting of the local Hungarian minority. We played traditional Hungarian town music there, conserved by gypsy musicians. There was another music group playing modern dance music on electronic instruments. So we and they took turns until the "star guests" from Hungary (this year Cini Zalatnay and Gjon Delhusa) arrived. We had lunch there, but I couldn't taste the food, because of my cold, I think. Even during the journey back and forth I had such a running cold that I didn't have enough tissues. At the weekend I drank hot tea and I even today I haven't completely recovered; perhaps this is why my mind slowed down and I took the bus half an hour later than usual. (I don't know why I was so sure that I had to take the bus at 9.30 a.m., not the bus at 9.00 a.m. as planned.) So I had to hurry to tune the instruments and to get changed in order to start the performance on time. Even the puppet actors couldn't practise the songs half an hour before the start as usual.

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Yesterday in Zalaszentgrót

Yesterday we were in Zalaszentgrót. I had to take the local bus at 8:00 AM, so very early, in comparation with my schedules on other days. So I was at the theatre at approximately 8:10 AM and the departure to Zalaszentgrót has been announced to 8:30 AM. The minibus we travelled in arrived approximately at 8:40 AM. In the meantime I went upstairs to take my things with (instruments, my shirt...) and downstairs, in front of the building, at the back entrance (for the artists) I chatted with my colleagues, during we waited the minibus. Only we musicians travelled with that minibus, and one of the puppet actors, because the others travelled with the car of one of the actors (who drove afterwards home to Kecskemét to attend one of his daughter's important school happenings. After the performances he took one of the puppet actresses with, because she lives in that area, too. And we with the minibus took the other one with, back to Zalaegerszeg, to the theatre - the neighbourhood were she lives). We brought our instruments back into the room of the puppet theatre, because the performances will be continued on Monday.

In Zalaszentgrót we had two stagings, the first at 10:30 AM (30 minutes after it was announced) and the other one at 2:00 PM. The children were few in comparation that the room is quite large, only two rows were filled up.

Between the two performances some of us went to have lunch in the neighbouring restaurant, so I. It was tasty, but expensive. I had to pay almost 2000 HUF. I met the leaders of the local folk dance groups, too, at the corridor of the local cultural centre, where the performances took place. I chatted a little bit with one of them.

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