
They will write the opposite way in Taiwan

The people of Taiwan face a new challenge these days. From now on, according to a new law introduced by the government, all documents must be written from left to right, as is the practice in the West, which is just the reverse of the Chinese tradition.

This change is being made because many English words are used in texts written from right to left. The government wants to end this chaotic situation through this law, which will not affect historical documents.

Special thanks for Donald Gasper who had
checked and corrected my translation from interlingua.

Listen to the article in interlingua! (mp3)

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zenész vicc - 2.

- Hogy hívják a kínai harmónikást?

- Herf Lí.


zenész vicc - 1.

- Milyen kocsijuk van a népzenészeknek?

- Seat Codoba.




- Női számítógépszerelő?

- Winch Eszter.



Blood of crocodiles against the virus HIV?

Sydney (mti) – Blood of crocodiles kills the virus HIV - the researchers of the Park Darwin came to this conclusion at the tropic part of Australia, exploring the blood of the reptiles. The development of new antibiotics could be possible in order of this discovery. The immunologic system of crocodiles is more efficient than the humans' one and it is more resistant against the dangerous infections, against the grave wounds. The first exploration of the immunologic system of crocodiles in 1998 shows how the antibody kills the bacteria in the blood of the reptile - announced Adam Britton, Australian scientist, who tells: if one adds serum of crocodile's blood to an HIV-infected blood, it has a much bigger effect than the human serum; it almost devours the majority of the HIV-viruses.

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Kétnyelvű mondás

Aki amit talál, away!


Lányos szóvicc - 2.

- Hogy nevezik a megtalált lányt?

- Heu Réka.



Azt tudtátok, hogy tanít a Tikaram?



Lányos szóvicc - 1.

- Bizonytalan lány?

- Talány...
