
New language charms people

By Sara Palmquist in Motala-Vadstena Tidning

Translated by Guilherme da Silva Braga (guizomail@gmail.com)

Gratias-Thank you. Homine-Man. Tabaco-Tobacco. No, these are not taken from a Portuguese, Spanish or Latin lexicon. This language is called Interlingua, and during the last days it was diligently spoken in Vadstena.

About twenty people sit together in the premises of the Vadstena public school. In front of them, a man in his forties is speaking a language that sounds like a mixture of Spanish, English and Portuguese, with a touch of Danish. The latter might be explained by the fact that the man, Thomas Breinstrup, is a Dane. He is the president of the Danish Society for Interlingua, and Interlingua is the language he has just spoken.
Together with a group of about forty people, Thomas Breinstrup is in Vadstena to participate in the Interlingua Camp which takes place in the city.
“For five days we have talked, read, sung, discussed and learned Interlingua,” says Thomas Breinstrup.
Interlingua has existed since 1951. The language is the result of a group work involving European and American linguists, and it is built from many other existing languages.
“What makes Interlingua so fantastic is that it is easy for people from different countries to understand it. It is an international language,” says Thomas Breinstrup.
He is supported by Barbara Rubinstein, who came from Gothemburg to participate in the camp.
“Anyone who can speak a European language can understand Interlingua. I am from Poland and I think there are many similarities between Polish and Interlingua.”
But what about English? Isn’t it international enough?
“The difference is that native speakers of English will always speak English better than other people. And language is an instrument of power, as we all know,” says Thomas Breinstrup.
Ingvar Stenström is the president of the Swedish Society for Interlingua and possibly the person who knows the language the most. He had his first contact with the language fifty years ago.
“It is an easy language; all its grammar fits in an A4 page. It is spoken by people all around the world. Here in the camp, for example, besides participants from the North, we have people from Spain, Germany and Japan,” says he.
Participants in the camp want people to find out the advantages offered by Interlingua, so a little demonstration was organized in Vadstena on Saturday night.
“We went out with ads and megaphones and we distributed leaflets to curious people in Vadstena. And then we read, sang songs and read poems in Interlingua – some poetry by Tomas Tranströmer, among others. But even Shakespeare and the Bible have been translated too,” says Ingvar Stenström.

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6 Commentarios:

At 03 augusztus, 2006 13:24, Blogger Novlangue scribeva...


Ubi es la traductios del Bible et de "Shakey"? (& Petoefi?)

At 07 augusztus, 2006 16:42, Blogger Petro Ferrero de Hungaria scribeva...

Eh, de novo io ha scribite usque ora un longe commentario como responsa, que dispareva...

Io pote comenciar lo de novo...


Primarimente ecce le traduction del question de novlangue in le interlingua de IALA:


Ubi es le traductiones del Biblia e de "Shakey"? ((& Petőfi?)"

Io opina, Ingvar exaggerava in le intervista. Quanto io sape, le nove testamento es traducite in interlingua, ma non le integre Biblia, dunque non le vetule testamento, etc. Nonobstante il ha gruppo de Yahoo pro traducer le biblia in interlingua, ma su archivo non es public e illo sembla ser inactive. Forsan le projecto de traducer le biblia in interlingua stagna...?

Quanto al traductiones de obra de Shakespeare io ha trovate solmente un traduction; forsan il non ha plus traductiones de Shakespeare in interlingua, que

"Le tragedia de Hamlet, le Prince de Danmark
"Classicos in Interlingua". Traducite per Sven Collberg.
Servicio de Libros UMI. 1992, 112 pp., A5. ISBN 90-71196-20-8.",

mandabile al Servicio de libros in interlingua pro 10 € (vide iste pagina).

Io non sape, esque ulle obra de PETŐFI Sándor (poeta hungare) es traducite in interlingua, o esque alicuno ha(beva) un tal intention de traducer.

At 19 augusztus, 2006 16:20, Anonymous Névtelen scribeva...

Proque non un traduction a interlingua? Io es certe que le jornal nos dara permission pro publicar le texto in interlingua.

At 22 augusztus, 2006 09:39, Blogger N scribeva...

Si, "tote le mundo" sape lo que es un traduction del Biblia e un traduction de Shakespeare. Ambes ha su "libros canonic", on non pote presentar le traduction de Hamlet como un "traduction de Shakespeare".

Io naturalmente non era presente durante le interview, ma durante le ultime 15 annos io ha legite altere exaggerationes e inexactitudes. Intertanto, le mundo ha cambiate, ma io pensa que alicun personas forsan non ha vidite que on ora facilemente pote falsificar tal informationes in alicun minutas per medio de Google.

Forsan altere personas rejectarea le affaire quando on vide que le propaganda initial era inexacte e exaggerate ...

At 22 augusztus, 2006 13:50, Blogger Petro Ferrero de Hungaria scribeva...

Car Morten Svendsen!

Io non comprende, que tu intende o critica con iste tu ultime message. Si io ben sape, le Hamlet es un obra de Shakespeare, dunque illo es de facto un obra de ille, e le traduction del Hamlet es un traduction de Shakespeare in interlingua (naturalmente non un facite per ille, ma un traduction de su obra facite per alteres... :-) ).

Lo que io publicava es, que inter le obras mandabile al Servicio de Libros se representa solmente un obra de Shakespeare (io copiava le datos e le ligamines), pro isto pote ser (ma isto non es certe), que nulle altere obra de Shakespeare es traducite del toto in interlingua.

>>...alicun personas forsan non ha vidite que on ora facilemente pote falsificar tal informationes in alicun minutas per medio de Google.<<

Io non comprende anque isto...Que tu intende?

At 22 augusztus, 2006 21:49, Blogger N scribeva...

Car Peter

Io critica "solmente" le exaggerationes propagandista usate p.ex. de Sr Stenström in le interview con Motala & Vadstena Tidning. Quando on dice "Shakespeare es traducite", isto significa, al minus secundo me, que tote le dramas e le sonettas de Shakespeare es traducite. Le vertate es que "un (sol) drama de Shakespeare es traducite", non que "(le obra total de) Shakespeare es traducite".

Ma, ben, forsan io ha mal interpretate le texto svedese. Que opine le lectores svedese del phrase "Men även Shakespeare ja till och med bibeln finns översatt"?

(Le phrase del "fasification per Google": io intendeva dicer que on facilemente pote usar Google e constatar si il se tracta de un exaggeration o non: on trova, como nos sape, solmente un drama traducite, non le obra complete de Shakespeare.)


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